SheetMagic lets you use popular AI models like ChatGPT, Claude, and Llama in bulk for use with Google Sheets™
Дата оновлення:26 червня 2024 р.
3 тис.+
Take your Google Sheets™ to the next level with unlimited AI & ChatGPT usage and unlimited web scraping by using the SheetMagic extension.

- Works in all languages: If you give the prompt in any language that ChatGPT uses, it will work for you!

- Scrape the web: Input URLs into SheetMagic and get the full page content back, so you can interact with it using AI!

- Combine cells: Want to link cells together for one prompt? You can do it with SheetMagic!

- No markups: By using your own OpenAI API key, you can ensure you're getting the cheapest price on usage.

- Unlimited usage: Just add in your OpenAI API key, and you can create as much content as you want without limitations.

- Built for teams: We've added multiple plans where you can use SheetMagic with your entire team or organization.

- Simple to use: All you have to do is call the function =AI("Your Prompt Here") and you will get a response in a second or two!

- Prompt Library: We've collected a list of effective prompts that are included for free with your purchase!

- Blazing fast: We've optimized the tool to bring back responses from ChatGPT as quickly as possible!

Experience the magic and try SheetMagic yourself today :)
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