Create a Google Sheets™ graphic organizer and make a copy for each student. Send updates to student sheets. Merge student documents back into one Google Sheets™.
Дата оновлення:23 лютого 2024 р.
209 тис.+
sheetPusher creates and shares a Google Sheets™ per student. Each student has the graphic organizer you pushed to them. Add more to your graphic organizer template and push those updates by highlighting the range of cells you want to update and using the Extension menu to push the updates. 

Premium Feature: Merge the student tabs back to a single Google Sheets™ spreadsheet. A COPY of each students sheet is added to a common spreadsheet to allow you to review student progress as a snapshot. 

Created by Alice Keeler and Heather Lyon.

Check out more of her Add-ons at
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ЦіниБезкоштовна версія з платними функціями
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