Connect Your Google Sheet™ With Mixpanel. No Coding Required.
Ändrades senast:29 september 2023
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13 tn+
This extension provides two modes, which are exposed in the main menu:

- Sheet → Mixpanel: import event/user/group/table data from the current sheet.
- Mixpanel → Sheet: export reports or cohort data from your mixpanel project

Each mode has a simple user interface; it is a form you fill out that contains the necessary details to carry out your desired result.

There are four key actions at the bottom:

- Run: run the current configuration once; results are display in the UI
- Sync: run the current configuration every hour; run receipts are stored in a log sheet
- Save: store the current configuration
- Clear: delete all syncs and delete the current configuration

note: you may only have one sync active per sheet at a time.

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