Sheets™ to JSON is a Google Sheets™ Add-on that converts JSON into named ranges in a Google Sheet and vice versa.
Ändrades senast:23 april 2023
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43 tn+
Sheets™ to JSON is a Google Sheets™ Add-on that converts JSON into named ranges in a Google Sheet and vice versa.

It features a Github Gist integration which allows the user to instantly publish exported JSON to a publicly-hosted location.

Noteworthy limitation: this addon cannot work with JSON key names that contain characters other than letters, numbers, and underscores. It cannot work with key names longer than 200 characters.

Google Sheets™ is a trademark of Google LLC.

This app is open source. You can find a more complete description of functionality and a link to the code repo on our website.

For ease of use it’s recommended that you allow popups from
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