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Automatically sync your finances with your spreadsheet
정보 업데이트:2021년 8월 7일
호환 기기:
Connect your finances to your spreadsheet with ease. Sheetsync automatically updates your spreadsheet with your finances so you can easily track your entire financial life in Google Sheets. Here's how it works:

Link Your Accounts
- Securely connect your financial accounts using Plaid.
- Link with bank accounts, credit cards, brokerages, loans, and more.
- Over 10,000+ compatible financial institutions worldwide.

Receive Automatic Financial Updates
- Instantly get historical data from your linked accounts.
- Receive new transactions and balance updates directly in your spreadsheet.
- Never waste time manually logging your financial history.

Use Optional Sheet Templates
- Add powerful sheet templates with the click of a button.
- Use templates to track your net worth, analyze your spending, or set a budget.
- Templates are 100% free and fully customizable.

Sheetsync lives in a sidebar directly within Google Sheets, so it's always convenient for you to link new accounts, try new templates, or manage your settings.

Sheetsync is Private and Secure:
- Sheetsync never reads, shares, or sells your financial data. Sheetsync is funded by your subscription only.
- Your banks are linked securely via Plaid. Sheetsync can't see your bank credentials or move money at your banks.
- Your data is encrypted using AES-256 encryption, and Sheetsync always uses a secure SSL connection.

Make money management in Google Sheets easy. Try Sheetsync free for 14 days.

TAGS: connect banks, link banks, bank feed, budget template, tiller money feeds, money in excel, net worth template, bank balances, personal finances
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