Short and sweet email experience with AI-powered message summary and task extraction.
Fortegnelse opdateret:4. december 2024
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Shorton is a Gmail™ add-on designed to enhance email productivity by summarizing and translating email messages, extracting relevant tasks, and helping you manage them. 

Shorton's summarization turns a long email message into a short summary, capturing the intent and main points. For email threads, it summarizes the entire thread, providing an overview of the interactions.

Shorton's task extraction analyzes the content of your message, and extracts suggested tasks you can add to your task list. The tasks are detailed and contain all the context you need - links, deadlines, and contact details - based on the message's content. Tasks are linked to the message from which they were created, so you can easily access it for more context.

Shorton offers simple task management from your inbox, where tasks can be prioritized and filtered.
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Shorton har brug for adgang til din Google-konto
Dette giver Shorton tilladelse til følgende:
Se dine mails, når tilføjelsen kører
Kør som en Gmail-tilføjelse
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Se den primære mailadresse på din Google-konto
Se dine personlige oplysninger, heriblandt personlige oplysninger, som du har gjort offentligt tilgængelige
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