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Displays non-printable characters within a Google Docs document. Affiche les caractères non-imprimables d'un document.
Works with:
Show is an extension that displays non-printable characters within a Google Docs document / Show est une extension qui permet d'afficher les caractères masqués dans un document Google Docs.

Symbols used / Symboles utilisés

⏎	Simple Line Feed / Saut de ligne simple
¶	End of Paragraph / Fin de paragraphe
❡	End of an empty Paragraph / Fin de paragraphe vide
↡	Page feed / Saut de page
▪	Simple Space / Espace simple
→	Tabulation
○	No-Break Space / Espace insécable
◦	Narrow No-break Space / Espace insécable courte
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Show will need access to your Google account
This will allow Show to :
See, edit, create, and delete all your Google Docs documents
See your primary Google Account email address
See your personal info, including any personal info you've made publicly available
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Suzy Molloy
October 20, 2023
This was great but is no longer working. NOW Just use: Ctrl+Shift+P As feature is now built into Google Docs!!! The function is also available under the View Tab.
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Xina Gooding Broderick
January 13, 2023
I can't even find it in my add-ons! A bit pointless really. I'll have to use Word because I'm doing my dissertation and need to ensure my formatting remains uniform.
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Matthew Singer
March 3, 2023
Not a useful alternative to the functionality present in MS Word. It doesn't do the same thing. For instance it will insert a paragraph character but deleting that character doesn't remove the carriage return. Don't believe the top google result that seems to indicate that this is how you get Google docs to do what MS Word will do without an addon.
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Prince Eze
February 28, 2023
Does not work. The menu (extensions/ add-ons/ show) shows only the "help" option. Edit: It works, just a complicated process: With your document opened, Click Add-ons and then Manage add-ons. Choose the Show add-on from the list. Click Manage and then Use in this document to turn the add-on on or off.
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Adair Taulbee
December 29, 2022
Got it to install and using it by displaying the hidden formatting marks actually added to the length of the document and pushed a bunch of content onto a second page. Not really helpful when you're looking for the hidden formatting that is causing a second blank page in the first place. I so wanted this to work! I use this feature in Microsoft Word all the time.
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Argyrios Papapostolou
January 4, 2023
It doesn't work anymore. The menu (extensions/ add-ons/ show) shows only the "help" option.
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Jennifer Fisher
January 16, 2023
Doesn't work. Can't figure out why. I've tried with super expensive macs and cheap laptops, Business Google accounts and free ones. Always in chrome of course,
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Astro Ashtaralnakhai
February 8, 2023
Definitely did not work once i installed it. I could not even find the app in the add-ons
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Bob Vezzuso
December 3, 2022
I used from my old computer and it worked fine. Since I got the new computer, after I install it, it works, but the next time I attempt to use it, the only option the pops up is Help. And that is useless since there is no way to contact the developer and get a solution. I have to reinstall it each time I need it, and I always need it.
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January 14, 2023
I read "A User of Show" from January 30th 2020 which is the only info that helped to use the app. In the end it functions kind of. Word is very quick and crisp, this is not that.
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