Digitally sign documents with legally significant, in the Republic of Kazakhstan, digital signatures. The only requirement is a certificate issued by the National Certification Authority.
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Digitally sign documents with legally significant, in the Republic of Kazakhstan, digital signatures. The only requirement is a certificate issued by the National Certification Authority of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

SIGEX Addon for Google Workspace provides a new way to interact with service - a digital signature exchange hub.

To sign a document simply select it in Google Drive interface and click SIGN in SIGEX Addon for Google Workspace, you will be redirected to the SIGEX signing portal. After successfully singing the document, you will be advised to save a copy of the original file with SIGEX id in it's name - this format is also supported by web site and SIGEX Desktop for Windows application (

Another feature of SIGEX Addon for Google Workspace is to display information about signatures currently registered under the document in SIGEX service - simply select a document with SIGEX id in it's name in Google Drive interface. Addon will display all signatures registered under the documents by all users, this way it is enough for anyone to sign a document and send you a copy with SIGEX id by email (or any other convenient media).

Need the document to by signed by another party? Simply send them the file with SIGEX id in it's name by email (or any other convenient media) and suggest to use any interface:
- SIGEX Addon для Google Workspace allows to work directly from Google Drive;
- web site is the most simple and general way to start working with SIGEX;
- SIGEX Desktop for Windows application is suitable for those, who prefer to stick to Windows Explorer.

SIGEX Addon for Google Workspace relies on NCALayer application which is distributed for free by NCA RK:
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SIGEX kommer til å trenge tilgang til Google-kontoen din
Dette gir SIGEX tillatelse til å:
se, endre og slette filene du har på Google Disk, samt opprette nye
se grunnleggende data om Google Disk-mappene eller -filene du velger
koble til en ekstern tjeneste
se landet ditt, språket ditt og tidssonen din
se den primære e-postadressen for Google-kontoen din
se den personlige informasjonen din, inkludert personlig informasjon du har gjort offentlig tilgjengelig
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