SignHero for Gmail adds a sign- button to your inbox and signed PDFs can be easily stored in Google Drive. Files can be signed within seconds without leaving your inbox.
Vermelding geüpdatet:13 december 2023
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Note: Your browser might block pop-ups which are crucial for the add-on to work so please allow pop-ups. If the add-on seems stuck the first time you run it, check your browser's address bar for a pop-up icon or warning. After allowing pop-ups you might need to refresh the page.

SignHero for Gmail is an add-on for the purpose of using the service directly inside the user's Gmail account. This add-on allows a user to sign PDF's attached to an email message, store signed documents in the user's Google Drive account and create email drafts of signed documents.

This is how it works: First, choose an email message with attached documents. Then, select SignHero icon on the right-side taskbar. Finally, choose files and sign. If you want to store your signed documents into Google Drive, just click the icon and the signed documents will be stored into a designated folder. You can also create an email message including signed documents and send it to others with a personalised message. You will need Gmail and a SignHero account to be able to use this add-on.
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SignHero for Gmail vraagt u om de onderstaande rechten. Meer informatie
SignHero for Gmail heeft toegang nodig tot uw Google-account
Hiermee kan SignHero for Gmail het volgende doen:
Alleen de specifieke Google Drive-bestanden bekijken, bewerken, maken en verwijderen die je met deze app gebruikt
Concepten beheren en e-mails verzenden wanneer je de add-on gebruikt
Je e-mailberichten bekijken wanneer de add-on actief is
Uitvoeren als add-on van Gmail
Alle agenda's waartoe je met Google Agenda toegang hebt, bekijken en downloaden
Verbinding maken met een externe service
Het primaire e-mailadres van je Google-account bekijken
Uw persoonlijke info bekijken, met inbegrip van persoonlijke info die u openbaar heeft gemaakt
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