The quick and easy way to manage customized email signatures
Ändrades senast:26 december 2023
146 tn+
Our intuitive, user-friendly platform allows you to edit and manage dedicated email signatures in a wide range of languages. It also enables you to create individual groups and teams and embed scheduled banners, all through our centralized management system.

Signite offers a quick and efficient automated solution for editing and embedding dedicated email signatures. You can use it to create multiple templates, edit contact details for an organization, team or individual, manage groups and teams and assign them with unique templates, and incorporate and manage scheduled advertising banners. Embedding can be done with a single click and signatures can be managed over time as your needs change.

Setup and interface:
– Quick and easy sign-in via your Google account, with no obligation to register
– Free trial period with the interface, with no special permissions required
– Quick access to the interface by installing an app via the G Suite Marketplace
– No need for special SMTP settings and no change required to existing email settings
– Embed signatures at the click of a button

User management:
– Control over individual or multiple domains and users to embed signatures
– Set up groups or teams and assign them unique templates
– You have full control – updating and editing the contact details of all users on the account is simple

Design and editing:
– Choose from a wide range of branded designs
– Create and manage multiple templates
– No graphic design skills required – based on set templates
– Automated smart image or logo resizing

Marketing advantages:
– Control and assign banners and ads based on templates to teams or individuals
– Control over timing and appearance of banners

Further benefits:
– Support for a wide range of languages
– Convenient pricing models – including a free option
– 14-day full money-back guarantee
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Signite - Free Email Signature Management frågar efter de behörigheter som visas nedan. Läs mer
Signite - Free Email Signature Management behöver åtkomst till ditt Google-konto
Detta ger Signite - Free Email Signature Management behörighet att:
Se, redigera, skapa eller ändra dina e-postinställningar och filter i Gmail
Hantera dina känsliga e-postinställningar, inklusive vem som får hantera din e-post
Visa kundrelaterad information
Visa domäner som är kopplade till dina kunder
Visa grupper på din domän
Visa organisationsenheter på din domän
Visa information om användare på din domän
Visa användarscheman på din domän
Se den primära e-postadressen för ditt Google-konto
Visa dina personliga uppgifter, inklusive personliga uppgifter som du har gjort offentliga
Visa licensinformationen för det installerade programmet
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