Easily sign or send PDFs and documents for e-signature through Google Apps
Дата оновлення:20 серпня 2024 р.
140 тис.+
SignNow – Sign and save documents via Google Apps

With the signNow G Suite Add-on, any complicated certification process involving multiple signers can be easily completed and works perfectly. 

With signNow for Google apps, account admins can get their team using e-signatures in minutes. Experience the convenience of electronic signatures without the headache of individual user registrations. Speed up the certification and workflow of your company’s internal documentation by simplifying signing processes. By having this service right in your browser, you will always have a secure, trustworthy and easy to use esignature app at your fingertips. 

Do you want to try signNow for free? Install it and get a free trial now. 
***First, you need to register in signNow to save the changes you made. Some features are unavailable in free trial mode***

With signNow for Google apps, any user can:
➤ Electronically sign documents and make them legally binding using a multi-functional secure solution.
➤ Open, edit and sign PDFs from Google Chrome.
➤ Send signing requests or share documents to one or several users in just a few clicks of your mouse.
➤ Collect signatures from other users without any effort.
➤ Control the filling out and signing process with the use of notifications.
➤ Transform a document from Google Drive into a fillable form.
➤ Share fillable forms in PDF using a link, QR code or add it to the website.
Do you want to know more about signNow?
For support, send an email to support@signnow.com
Visit our blog https://blog.signnow.com/
Follow us on Twitter: @signnow 
Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/esignaturesignnow/ 

About signNow
signNow is acknowledged by Forbes, TechCrunch, Mashable, Lifehacker and highly rated on G2 crowd. It is the easiest way to create, sign, send, and manage documents online. signNow is a leading e-signature platform trusted by 65,000 users, from wedding photographers and real estate brokers, to sports agents and athletes.
When trying it for the first time, you won’t need to use any other add-on, as it perfectly integrates with Google apps.
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