Email signature management for Gmail™. Create consistent and branded email signatures enhanced with marketing campaigns. Configure SendAs/alias addresses for users, keep your domains in check & more.
Eintrag aktualisiert:15. November 2024
Sign.UseWise™ empowers you to create and deploy consistent, professional email signatures across your entire organization, on both Gmail™ desktop and mobile. Standardize your enterprise email communication, drive sales growth and unlock powerful Google Workspace™ management features, all from one central dashboard.

---Key features and benefits---

Set up and management

* Quick installation and deployment
* Complete Google Workspace™ integration - all your users, groups, organizational units and domains in one place
* User data automatically synced from the Google Workspace™ directory (custom fields supported)
* Support for multiple company profiles
* Centralized management of Gmail™ email signatures across companies
* Creating email signatures using a template gallery or easy-to-use HTML editor
* Signature set up for users, groups, organizational units and domains

Email signature marketing

* Corporate logos, photos, banners and social media links in signatures
* Schedule marketing campaigns with personalized banners and call to actions
* Assign campaigns to different teams or individuals

Support for Send As/alias addresses

* Set and manage Send As (alias) addresses for users and groups
* Assign custom signatures to different Send As (alias) addresses that the user owns
* Change the default “From” address for the user with just a few clicks

Support for multiple domains

* Support for primary, secondary and alias domains
* Domain status check (MX, SPF, DMARC, BIMI, DKIM)
* Domain expiration reminders

Mobile integration with Sign.UseWise™ Gmail™ add-on

* Works with the Gmail™ app on Android and iOS phones, and iPads
* Easily insert Sign.UseWise™ email signatures directly in the Gmail™ app on your mobile phone
* Supports adding email signatures for all Send As (alias) addresses linked to the user’s account

Security embedded

* Security and reliability – no routing or SMTP configuration needed
* No proxies in between, signatures are part of the Gmail™ solution

Additional benefits

* Automatic updates
* Help and support from our team
* 15-day free trial (no credit card needed)
* The application works with all Google Workspace™ editions

Sign.UseWise™ app includes a free add-on that enables admins to push email signatures to users using the Gmail™ app on Android and iOS phones and iPads. The add-on needs to be installed separately from the marketplace by the Google Workspace™ super admin. Here is the link to Sign.UseWise™ Gmail™ add-on marketplace listing:

Sign.UseWise™ is proud to partner with Shivaami, multiple award winner Google Cloud Premier Partner to bring the application to Google Workspace™ administrators all over the world. Purchasing directly through Shivaami, our Premier Partner, enables you to get special pricing and terms. Shivaami is the worldwide Premier partner of Sign.UseWise™ and exclusive partner for India and can be contacted directly at

Gmail™ is a registered trademark of Google LLC
Android™ is a registered trademark of Google LLC
Google Workspace™ is a registered trademark of Google LLC
UseWise™ is a registered trademark of Miadria LLC
Sign.UseWise™ is a trademark of Miadria LLC pending registration
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Die App Sign.UseWise™ Gmail™ email signature management fragt nach den unten angegebenen Berechtigungen. Weitere Informationen
Die App „Sign.UseWise™ Gmail™ email signature management“ benötigt Zugriff auf Ihr Google-Konto
Dadurch erhält Sign.UseWise™ Gmail™ email signature management die folgenden Berechtigungen:
E-Mail-Einstellungen und Filter in Gmail aufrufen, bearbeiten, erstellen oder ändern
Vertrauliche E-Mail-Einstellungen, einschließlich Einstellungen für die Vergabe von Berechtigungen zum Verwalten Ihrer E-Mails, verwalten
Kundenbezogene Informationen abrufen
Zu Ihren Kunden gehörende Domains abrufen
Gruppen in Ihrer Domain abrufen
Organisationseinheiten in Ihrer Domain abrufen
Informationen der Nutzer Ihrer Domain abrufen
Primäre E-Mail-Adresse Ihres Google-Kontos abrufen
Personenbezogene Daten aufrufen, einschließlich aller Daten, die Sie öffentlich zugänglich gemacht haben
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