With Simple ML for Sheets everyone can use Machine Learning and Forecasting in Google Sheets™ without knowing ML, without coding, and without sharing data with third parties.
정보 업데이트:2024년 1월 10일
호환 기기:
Simple ML for Sheets is an add-on for Google Sheets™ from the TensorFlow™ Decision Forests team that helps make machine learning accessible to all. From predicting missing values to manually training, evaluating, interpreting and exporting models to Google Colab™, Simple ML for Sheets leverages and simplifies the power of Machine Learning to make predictions, forecast future values, spot abnormalities, find patterns and much more in any given dataset in Google Sheets™. 

To report issues or read the documentation, visit https://simplemlforsheets.com.

Simple ML for Sheets is a tool for Google Sheets™.
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