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Make a microsite from your Google Docs, Slides, and PDFs.
호환 기기:
Make a microsite from your Google Docs, Slides, and PDFs you can publish, post, pin, tweet, share, embed, print, email, and more from a dedicated, easy to remember URL.


Turn your brochures, flyers, newsletters, and lookbooks into interactive microsites customers want to view, social posts they want to click, and emails they want to read.

Reach today's digital customer.

Get more from your investment by turning your marketing collateral into tasty tidbits of digital marketing that your potential customers find in the places they hang out online, from Social timelines, to forums, to blogs, all the way to their inbox.

Any Device, Anywhere
Devices come in all shapes and sizes. You don't have time to make marketing for everywhere. With simplebooklet, just upload your file and we'll do all the work, optimizing it to work flawlessly on every device your customers use.

Calls to Action
Every simplebooklet contains the calls to action that help a customer get connected with your business. You can add interactive features that let a customer call, email, go to your website or reservation page, and get directions right to your business from the device in their hand.

Social Discovery
Customers discover your business from all sorts of strange places on the web (social networks, forums, chats, blogs, and more). We've designed simplebooklet so that your marketing collateral can be shared by your customers in all corners of the Internet and look good while doing it.

Every simplebooklet has a unique, customizable web address, making it a snap to make a memorable and easily shareable URL. Pro accounts can even use their own domain and logo.

Layout Designer
Our easy to use layout designer makes it a snap to design and customize your marketing collateral for a digital world. From uploading a PDF of your original marketing collateral to adding interactivity that engages customers, you'll do it all within a drag and drop, step by step interface.

Build From Scratch
Don't have an existing brochure to start from? No problem, you can use one of our essential small business marketing templates to create the digital collateral you need. Add content from text to image, videos to sound, and even embed content from other services. With a paid plan, you can even download your simplebooklet as a PDF.

Deep Dive Analytics
We measure every aspect of customer engagement with your simplebooklet so you don't have to. See how effective your booklet is across digital channels and where customers are most likely to click. We'll even recommend ways to improve your reach and engagement.

Software As A Service
No hosting, no bandwidth, no coding, no hassle. As a web app, you login, make, share, and analyze your simplebooklet all from any browser. And you are constantly getting updates and the latest capabilities as long as you have an account.

Simplebooklet is free to use. Upgrade to get more features and remove ads.
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