Send text message batches from a Google Sheet™ and receive responses and delivery confirmations. Start with a free plan and send up to 100 messages per month. Requires connection to a Twilio account.
Дата оновлення:16 січня 2024 р.
19 тис.+
SimpleText is your organization’s answer to cost efficient batch text messaging.  Simply enter your messages into a Google Sheet™ and hit send.

Whether you are sending marketing messages, notifications, calendar reminders, group communication, one message or hundreds, SimpleText is your answer.

A conversation should go two ways, and that is why SimpleText records every response you get and can send you an email notification for each one (Pro plan required). 

Looking to channel your inner Shakespeare?  SimpleText supports up to 1600 characters per text message.

SimpleText allows you to connect directly to Twilio (a SMS provider), which means that you avoid any mark up fees on your messages (like some other platforms charge).  This app requires a Twilio account connection.  Twilio is a separate company and charges separate fees.  If you don’t already have a Twilio account, it is easy to sign up for one.

This Add-on is more technical to set up and as such isn't for everybody.

Try our generous free tier today which gives you 100 messages per month.  Happy texting!
Додаткова iнформацiя
ЦіниБезкоштовна версія з платними функціями
Не продавець
Політика конфіденційності
Умови використання
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