Infuse analytics from Sisense directly into your Google Spreadsheets and Slides. Explore data through ad-hoc natural language queries. Refresh recurring reports with up-to-date data in presentations.
Дата оновлення:7 червня 2023 р.
7 тис.+
Infuse analytics directly into your Google Spreadsheets and Slides with Sisense Analytics. Whether you are a spreadsheet wizard or a presentation maven, Sisense Analytics helps you pull and use data into the Google tools you already know and love. 

From within Google Sheets or Slides, Sisense Analytics allows you to:
- Ask natural language questions to Views in Sisense to get results and insights 
- Bookmark your favorite queries for easy access and reuse
- Create Google native visuals that can be updated to reflect new data with 1-click
- Summarize results and trends by adding consumable narratives that highlight changes in your data

When used in Google Sheets, Sisense Analytics allows you to pull the data you want yourself--no waiting for someone else to provide an export. You can perform analyses on the most recent data or combine with data from other applications to discover more connections.

When used in Google Slides, Sisense Analytics allows you to quickly share data in the graph and chart formats of your choice. People responsible for regular presentations like weekly ops reports or quarterly business reviews (QBRs) can make reusable slide decks. To create a new report from an existing report, duplicate the old report and rename it, refresh the data, and familiarize yourself with the results. Complete a new report with fresh charts and data in minutes instead of hours without leaving Google Slides.

To learn about Infusion Apps for other applications - Slack, Microsoft Office 365 and Microsoft Teams - check out.
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Додатку Sisense Analytics буде потрібен доступ до облікового запису Google
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Перегляд, зміна, створення й видалення лише конкретних файлів на Google Диску, які ви відкриваєте в цьому додатку
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Перегляд, створення, редагування й видалення всіх ваших Google Таблиць
Перегляд усіх ваших Google Таблиць
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