Now easily Monitor your websites performance and uptime conveniently from with in Gmail interface! Get instant alerts & Notifications of Website Downtime.
Дата оновлення:2 лютого 2023 р.
11 тис.+
Now easily Monitor your websites performance and uptime conveniently from with in Gmail interface! Get instant alerts & Notifications of Website Downtime. Get actionable Stats and take quick action to ensure your site is always up and at peak of its performance.

Are you interested in Monitoring your website/ web host performance 24×7 and would like to get notifications and instant alerts of any down time or server performance issues. Worry no more, Site Up Down Monitor for Gmail / Gsuite by Google allows you to do just that right from your Mailbox. Now website’s performance stats are just one click away for you!

What can you do with Site Up Down Monitor ?

Add websites/ Website URL’s for up/down time monitoring.
Get a Quick status check by conveniently clicking the icon in Gmail interface as that is where you spend most of your productive time during the day.
Site Up Down Monitor for Gmail / Gsuite by Google is the answer to all of the above and specially designed keeping in mind to help out individuals and SMB’s alike.

Try setting up integrated Website Up/ Down time monitors today from with in your Gmail / Gsuite account and start getting performance stats of your website / web host 24 x 7 and get reports directly in your Mailbox!

Go ahead, give it a try and find out why everyone loves this handy little Tool!
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