Start awesome Google Sites™ by using pre-designed templates and professional themes. Quickly create a no-code website or company intranet. Free and pro sites available.
정보 업데이트:2024년 5월 10일
호환 기기:
Sites Starter has over 50 templates available for business websites, online portfolios and company intranets. Every template provides a custom theme with curated font choices, graphics, images and page layout ideas.

How to Get Started and Use this Addon:
1. After add-on install, open Google Drive.
2. In the far right side panel, select the Sites Starter addon.
3. Browse our template categories to find your favorite template. Remember, all templates are responsive and customizable.
4. Complete secure checkout then copy the template to your own My Google Drive™.
5. Jump into edit mode, play with your site and upload content. When you are ready you can publish it and even add a custom domain.

Why choose Google Sites™?
• No-code: You don't need to know HTML/CSS to fully design your site. Use a simple drag and drop interface to add your content. Easily insert widgets.
• 100% Free: Every Google account comes automatically equipped with Google Sites™. There are no pricing tiers or hosting costs.
• Secure & Stable: Private sites and intranets are secured in Google Drive™. Websites are hosted on Google servers, have stellar 99% uptime and protected against hacking.
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