Сreate beautiful charts and dashboards easily from data stored in files, cloud storages and databases. Everything in one place, instantly customizable and available for team.
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Tổng quan
Slemma is a powerful web-based data visualization reporting tool that connects to over 75 data warehouses, databases and cloud service solutions. Slemma's step-by-step Chart Designer makes report generation quick and seamless, allowing businesses to visualize their third-party data in minutes. With Slemma’s unmatched collaboration capabilities, dashboards and reports can easily be shared to both clients and colleagues. Slemma empowers business leaders to monitor and improve KPIs, speed up internal decision making, and win more clients.
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Chỉ xem, chỉnh sửa, tạo và xóa các tệp Google Drive bạn sử dụng với ứng dụng này
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