The only interactive Gantt Chart that doesn't use colored cells. Create, edit, update and Publish your gantt simply dragging and clicking on it.
정보 업데이트:2022년 5월 20일
호환 기기:
Transform your Google Sheet into an interactive Gantt chart. Edit the tasks and their status directly from the gantt and the sheet will be updated automatically. Perfect for users used to work on specific Project Management tools or gantt visualizers. You can then publish your gantt to all your team with a simple link.

The add-on helps you to:
- Map the information required with your columns (e.g. Start Date is in the column "Starting Date")
- Define Main tasks, Sub tasks and Milestones
- Define dependencies between tasks for an easy update of your tasks (e.g. dragging a task will also update all the related tasks)
- All the updates you do interacting with the Gantt are immediately saved back within your sheet.

To know more please visit 
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Browsers supported: Chrome
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