Create a "Contents Slide" listing headings from each slide as links. Options for the position of the slide and number of columns.
Дата оновлення:21 квітня 2022 р.
143 тис.+
This Slides add-on will create a new "Contents Slide" listing the heading from each slide in your deck. Each heading will be a hyperlink to jump straight to the slide. 

Options are provided to choose the position of the contents slide (at the start, after first slide or at the end), how many columns to use and whether to exclude title slides and section headers. 

The contents slide will use the same theme that you have in use and will update if you change your theme. If you have lots of slides, the font size will be reduced to fit.

Note: An option to select the layout to use is shown if your presentation does not include the default "Title and body" layout. Only layouts with a "Body" element (text box) will be available to choose from.
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