Merge Google Slides™ presentations automatically based on any individual created presentation template and Google Sheets™ content like texts, links, and images. Automate your presentation creation!
Дата оновлення:27 лютого 2024 р.
177 тис.+
The Slides Creator add-on from apps experts features a presentation merge function for Google Slides™! Create custom presentation templates based on Google Slides™ and maintain personalized content, such as customer master data, price information and addresses in Google Sheets™. Create marketing or customer specific slides with individual images, links or charts, like monthly KPI or Reporting diagrams, based on any presentation template. Optimize your workflow of building your Google Slides™ decks! 

Supported Languages: 
- English
- German

Help and Support:  
We are providing a short quick start guide and a detailed user manual. You can also contact our support team directly if you have any questions or problems. For more information please check out our support center:

Use Cases:
- Create many similar Google Slides™ presentations based on a Slide template and store it in your Google Drive™.
- Merge individual customer or employee master data in your presentation automatically.
- Create marketing or customer specific slides with individual images and links.
- Insert your monthly KPI- or Reporting-Charts automatically into your slides.
- Generate a Google Slides™ presentation based on your Google Form™ data
- Create multiple slides deck within one presentation or PDF document. 
Use print feature to put everything into one presentation or PDF file.
- Automation of your document workflow: Schedule your creation of your presentations by job. 

- Update customer or company specific values automatically.
- Reduce maintenance and update efforts because data is only maintained once in your sheet
- Individualize your presentations automatically with any text content and links to documents or any other URL.
- Refer dynamically to images or sheet based charts and insert them into your Google presentation.   
- Collect Google Form™ based data and create slide decks automatically
- Easy print feature in PDF format or as Google Slides™ presentation.
- Use drive documents and presentation from shared drives!

Quick Start:

For further information please follow this link:

Slides Creator is a popular slides merge and slides generation add-on available in the Google Workspace Marketplace™ and an alternative to add-ons like Autocrat by New Visions Cloudlab, Document Studio by Digital Inspiration and Merge Factory  by PCAdd-ons.

Some add-on features are only available in our premium version of Slides Creator add-on. By using Free-Version of the add-on you can create up to 150 Google Slides™ presentations each month with a maximum of 10 Slides in your presentation template. By using one of our premium versions you can also filter your datasets based on conditions, create presentations also in PDF format and send them directly via email or chat™.

Google Chat™, Google Slides™, Google Docs™, Google Forms™, Google Drive™ and Gmail™ are trademarks of Google LLC.
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ЦіниБезкоштовна версія з платними функціями
Політика конфіденційності
Умови використання
Додаток Slides Creator - Mail merge for Slides запитає наведені нижче дозволи. Докладніше
Додатку Slides Creator - Mail merge for Slides буде потрібен доступ до облікового запису Google
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