Slides Power Toys is a simple, free and open source extension that adds handy functions to Google Slides. Installing this app also installs a Google Slides add on.
정보 업데이트:2021년 10월 14일
호환 기기:
Slides Power Toys is a simple, free and open source extension that adds some handy functions to Google Slides.

THESE CAPABILITIES ARE PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. Use them at your own risk as they are NOT endorsed nor supported by Google. Refer to the Apache v2.0 license for the full terms and conditions.

This is not an oficially supported Google product.

Copy Attributes
Copy attributes from the last selected shape to the others. This mimics Microsoft PowerPoint's behavior to apply the same attribute, like size, to multiple shapes.

Simply flip the position of two shapes.

Position shapes side by side or align them to the center of the leftmost or topmost element. Adds more flexibility to the native alignment commands.

Align to Inner/Outer Edges
Alignment commands to arrange shapes relative to the last selected element. Also adds more flexibility to the native alignment commands.

Precision Snap
Commands to round various shape attributes to the closest decimal. A width of 1.23 inches becomes 1.2 inches. Select the elements to apply transformation to or select the slide to apply transformation to all elements.

Easily set transparency to selected shapes while preserving original colors.

Swap text with background
Swap foreground color of text on all shapes (text boxes) selected or on the slide with each shape's fill color.

Invert background colors
Invert fill color of all shapes (text boxes) selected or on the slide.

Max text contrast
Change foreground color of text on all shapes (text boxes) selected or on the slide to either black or white, depending on which renders highest contrast with each shape's fill color.
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