Randomize Slides to change things up when studying, or just for fun. Several methods are included to meet a variety of users needs.
Listelemenin güncellendiği tarih:27 Ağustos 2024
Şununla çalışır:
36 Mn+
Genel Bakış
There are times when you want your slides to be in a random order.  A great option when studying for a test or when you want to change up a classroom presentation. OTT-o-matic Slide Randomizer is a simple add-on that allows the user to easily and randomly reorder any slide deck.  When used, the presentation will be quickly and efficiently randomized.  

Users can choose to randomize all slides, selected slides or pairs of slides.  Most keep the first page un-randomized to allow for a stationary title slide. OTT-o does all this in one step, so you can easy to undo the process, visit the version history to access the original version or subsequent version, or simply run Slides Randomizer again for another look.

Privacy Information:
Slide Randomizer does not collect any personal information from the user!

Version 24-2, updated 8/27/2024
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