Shuffle your Google Slides - Free & Fast
Дата оновлення:19 жовтня 2024 р.
99 тис.+
Shuffle your Google Slides - Free & Fast

The add on will appear in the right sidebar of google slides. The sidebar may be collapsed. Press the left arrow in the bottom right of your screen to uncollapse the sidebar.

✅ Free 🔒 Secure OAuth2 ✅ No sign-up required 

➢ Randomize the slides (shuffle) your presentation
➢ Don't move / ignore the first slide
➢ Shuffle slides in pairs of 2, when e.g. learning a language
➢ Swap pairs, to learn the language in the other direction
➢ Show a random slide of the presentation
➢ Supports very large presentations (tested with 13000+ slides!)

Missing a feature in this slides randomizer? Please let us know by requesting a feature! 

Ps. we run on donations. To cover for some server costs (to host, it would be nice if you were willing to send a small tip 🍺, but of course, only if you feel like it! ❤️  Donate here:
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