ADDS A TIMER TO GOOGLE SLIDES™ Presentation. Adds a timer textbox to any slide. Multiple options for timer choices. Timer countsdown when in presentation mode.
Listelemenin güncellendiği tarih:28 Ağustos 2024
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Genel Bakış
Add countdown timers to your Google Slides™ presentations! 

🟨 Works with Slides Timer Chrome™ Extension to display a countdown timer while presenting.

Use the Extensions menu in Google Slides™ to add a properly formatted text box to any slide to create a timer that will countdown while presenting. 

⏱️ Default Times: Quickly insert pre-set timers like 30 seconds, 1 minute, 5 minutes, and more with just a few clicks.

🔝 Upper Right Timers: Easily add countdowns, count-ups, current time, date, and more to the upper right corner of your slides.

📐 Large Centered Timer: Make a statement with a big, bold timer in the center of your slide. Perfect for emphasizing important countdowns.

🔧 Customizable Timer Styles: Personalize your timers with various font styles, colors, and sizes. Place them anywhere on the slide—center, upper right, upper left, bottom right, or bottom left!

🔄 Auto-Slide Timer: Automatically add timers to each slide based on your total presentation time, ensuring smooth transitions and timely progression.

🌐 Easy Integration: Requires the Slides Timer Chrome Extension by ClayCodes, making it simple to start using timers in your presentations.

⚠️ MUST install Slides Timer Chrome™ Extension by ClayCodes

⏳ Slides Timer by ClayCodes requires you add text boxes to your Google Slides™ in the format of <<3:00>> to create a 3 minute countdown timer while presenting. As a user of Slides Timer by ClayCodes I found I was wishing for an Add-on to make the timer text boxes faster. There are also different styles of timers that I was struggling to remember the format. Such as <<3:00-+>> is a countdown timer that will automatically advance to the next slide. 

❗️Slides Timer Add-on is a companion to the Chrome extension. However, it is not in connection with ClayCodes. It is 100% an AliceKeeler LLC Add-on. I reached out to Clay to ask if it was okay for me to develop the text box side of the Add-on and he said "Go for it." 

Privacy Statement:
This Add-on collects NO User Data and NO PII by default. For upgraded features, only the name and email address are stored securely using Firebase. Premium members can access upgraded features with the premium passcode without collecting data. 

This Add-on was created by AliceKeeler LLC. It collects NO User Data and NO PII. Alice Keeler is a teacher, mom, Google Developer Expert, Google Certified Innovator, and author of several books about teaching with Google Apps.  
Check out more of her Add-ons at
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