Save time with pro shortcuts like the custom tools used by consultants and bankers.
Listelemenin güncellendiği tarih:22 Ekim 2024
Şununla çalışır:
Genel Bakış
Are you spending way too much time resizing, aligning, and modifying objects on your slides? 
Are you a former consultant or banker now working at a tech company that uses Google Slides™, and you miss all those massive time-saving customizations for the other deck software?
Do you want one-click tools for shortcuts that should exist already but don't? 

With Slides Toolkit Pro for Google Workspace™, you can have access to a suite of professional-level shortcuts for Google Slides™. We've already built out:
1. Swap objects.
2. One click dot-dash to slides with sticky notes.
3. Create Marvin tables.
4. Insert Harvey balls. 
5. Make all shapes the same size or average size.
6. Reset rotation angle. 
7. Align objects
... and much more on the way! Leave a recommendation with your 5-star review and we'll see what we can do :)

We are focused first on adding shortcuts that are not a built-in option. 

The tool is free to try up to 25 uses and then $5 ONCE for unlimited uses. Please reach out to us if you need more time to try the tool. 

Please note that on rare occasions the tool might take a few seconds to complete an action. Unfortunately sometimes the add-on doesn't run as fast as we'd like it to due to how Google Cloud™ and Apps Scripts™ operate. This is simply hard limits in how these tools work -- it's running in the cloud not locally -- there's just no way around this. But we are always working to improve performance of the add-on!

Note: Google Workspace™, Google Cloud™  and Google Slides™ are trademarks of Google LLC
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Bu uygulamanın yüklü olduğu Google Slaytlar sunularını görüntüleme ve yönetme
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