Translate your Slides and images to over 100 different languages with a single click!
Tiedot päivitetty:4. helmikuuta 2025
Yhteensopiva seuraavien kanssa:
41 milj.+
The original, fully-featured Slides Translator tool trusted by over 40 million installs and by schools and businesses all over the world!  Translate with one click to over 100 languages 🦄

>> Completely free for *up to* 200 slides / unlimited characters <<

Translate using multiple translations engines, translate images, and even translate background images!

- Translate your Slides with one click to 100+ languages 
- Translate using Google, DeepL, and Gemini (LLM) Translate engines
- Translate individual text, a slide, or all of your slides with a click
- Translate Images to brand new images
- Extract images from text and translate that text
- Narrate your presentation in any language
- Voice type into the presentation in any language
- Translate or voice type into the sidebar without altering the presentation
- Summarize slides with one click
- Translate Speaker Notes
- Super easy to use
- Beautiful UI

Slides Translator lets you select text in your Slides, automagically detects the language, and translates it to the selected languages directly into the slide or into the Sidebar while retaining style and formatting. It also includes Voice Typing in 60+ language dialects and will Read aloud the text in most languages!  Use our 1-click translation feature to translate your entire slides presentation 

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We can also translate images in your slide deck!  Consider this tool an image translator: You can either extract the text from your images and translate those, OR generate brand new images based on your translation.  No other product in the market today offers this capability. One click translation with no technical skills necessary :)

Slides Translator gives you the option to replace the text in your slides with the translation or put the translation in the Sidebar where it does not alter your slides in any way. Great for when you are presenting to an audience that speaks multiple different languages. Whenever you think I want to translate my slide, just have Slides Translator do it! It easy will translate slide, translate slides, and translate presentation.

With Slides Translator you can:
- Translate Google Slides
- Translate Images and Speaker Notes
- Translate Google Docs
- Translate Images (jpg / png)
- Use multiple translation engines (DeepL and Google Translate)
- Translate images / extract text from images
- Batch Translate using our 1-click feature

>> We store no PII and are privacy and security first! <<

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Latest updates:
Version 17 - 12/13- Bug fixes including Read aloud and Translating in sidebar

Version 16 - 12/4- We now support translating your Speaker Notes!

Version 15 - 11/24 - We now support Google, DeepL, and Gemini engines for translations.  We've released some bug fixes to even more correctly and accurately translate while retaining style and formatting.  Translate with glossary / dictionary coming soon

Version 14: We support "Make a copy" to quickly make copies of your translated slides

Version 13: We now support image to image translation!

Version 12: Translate using DeepL 

Version 11: Summarize your slides - added as a new feature

Version 10: New look and UX :)

Version 9: Support image translations

Version 8: Supports translation in place and the new Premium licensing plan.

Version 7: Includes Voice Typing in 60+ language dialects!

Version 6: Now supports over 100 languages!
HinnatMaksuttomia ja maksullisia ominaisuuksia
Slides Translator pyytää sinulta alla mainittuja lupia. Lue lisää
Slides Translator tarvitsee pääsyn Google-tilillesi
Tällä luvalla Slides Translator voi tehdä seuraavaa:
Tarkastele ja hallinnoi asennettuja asiakirjoja tällä sovelluksella
nähdä, muokata, luoda ja poistaa vain niitä Google Drive ‑tiedostoja, joita käytät tällä sovelluksella
tarkastella ja hallinnoida Google Slides ‑esityksiä tällä sovelluksella
nähdä kaikki Google Slides ‑esityksesi
Näytä ja julkaise kolmannen osapuolen internetsisältöä Google-sovellusten kehotteissa ja sivupalkeissa.
nähdä Google-tilisi ensisijaisen sähköpostiosoitteen
nähdä henkilökohtaiset tietosi sekä kaikki sellaiset tiedot, jotka olet määrittänyt julkisiksi
Google ei todenna arvosteluja tai arvioita. Lue lisää arvosteluista
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