AI-Powered tool that transforms any text into visually appealing slides, saving you hours of time and effort. Choose from a variety of presentation types and colour presets.
Listing updated:November 14, 2024
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Are you tired of spending hours creating presentations? Introducing, the ultimate time-saving tool for creating professional and engaging presentations. With just a few clicks, you can transform any piece of text into visually appealing slides that are perfect for any occasion.

Whether you're making a sales pitch, giving a lecture, or presenting at a conference, has you covered. Choose from a variety of presentation types, including general, educational, sales, and conference, pick total number of slides and let our AI-powered tool do all the heavy lifting. is the ultimate time-saver, automating the slide creation process so you can focus on what really matters: delivering a killer presentation. Plus, our app is privacy-focused and easy to use, with no technical expertise required.

Getting started with is simple:

➤ Install the app from the Google Workspace™ by clicking the "Install" button.
➤ Enter your text and select your desired presentation type or keep the default "General" type.
➤ Choose existing color presets or customize it with your own colors.
➤ Export your presentation and you're ready to go!
➤ Don't waste any more time on tedious slide creation. Try today and take your presentations to the next level!"


✓ Save time and effort on creating slides: Let our tool handle the tedious work of slide creation, so you can focus on delivering a great presentation.
✓ Create professional and engaging presentations: With a variety of presentation types and customizable color presets, your presentations will stand out and impress your audience.
✓ Easy to use: No technical expertise is required to use our app. Simply enter your text and let our tool do the rest.
✓ Privacy-focused: We respects your privacy and that's why we only requires minimal permissions to create your slides.


Get started for free today. Upgrade when you need more features.
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Menna Shrouk
November 1, 2024
Slide 1: Introduction to Positive Train Control (PTC • Definition: PTC is a safety system designed to prevent train accidents caused by human errors.
Purpose: Reduces incidents like train-to-train collisions, speeding derailments, and unauthorized track switching. Slide 2: How PTC Works Technology: Utilizes GPS, wireless communication, and onboard computers. Function: Provides alerts for slowing or stopping trains based on speed, location, and track conditions. Automatic Feature: Engages brakes if the engineer fails to respond to warnings. Slide 3: Importance of PTC • Safety Impact: NTSB states PTC could have prevented approximately 300 deaths and over 6,700 injuries from accidents investigated.
Legislative Mandate: Rail Safety Improvement Act of 2008 required implementation on specific rail lines by December 31, 2015. Slide 4: Challenges in Implementation Progress: As of now, PTC has been installed on only 8,200 miles of the mandated 60,000 miles. Cost: Estimated costs range from
3billion(FRA)toover3 billion (FRA)
to over 3billion (FRA)toover9 billion (railroads). Technology Barriers: Accessing licensed wireless frequencies is complicated due to high demand and existing ownership. Slide 5: Real-World Context Metrolink Accident: A 2008 incident where a train collision killed 25 and injured 100, spurring PTC legislation. • Multiple Rail Carriers: Seamless operation across different rail systems is crucial for safety. Slide 6: Conclusion • Next Steps: Continued efforts required to overcome technological and regulatory challenges. Focus on Safety: PTC systems are essential for reducing railroad accidents and enhancing overall operational safety.
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Hasnain Azam Somro
August 28, 2024 Effortless Presentations in a Flash is a game-changer for anyone who dreads the time-consuming chore of crafting presentations. This AI-powered tool takes your text content and transforms it into visually stunning slides, saving you precious hours and getting you focused on delivering impactful presentations. Effortless Creation: Forget agonizing over layouts and design elements. Simply feed your text - a script, blog post, or even a meeting agenda - and watch it work its magic. It generates well-structured slides with engaging visuals, saving you from the blank page struggle. Time-Saving Efficiency: is a productivity champion. By automating the initial design phase, you can reclaim hours typically spent on formatting and searching for graphics. This allows you to concentrate on refining your content and practicing your delivery. Visually Appealing Results: Don't underestimate the power of visuals. doesn't just churn out text-heavy slides. It incorporates relevant and eye-catching images, charts, and icons to enhance engagement and retention. Not a Replacement, but a Powerful Partner: isn't meant to replace your creativity entirely. It serves as a springboard, providing a strong visual foundation. You can still customize and personalize the slides to match your specific brand or style. Room for Improvement: While excels at generating basic presentations, complex topics or highly customized designs might require further manual tweaking. Additionally, some users report occasional inconsistencies with the AI output. Overall, is a valuable tool for anyone who wants to save time and create impactful presentations with minimal effort. It's perfect for busy professionals, students, or anyone who needs to get their message across in a clear and visually engaging way.
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Loganathan N (CEO)
August 20, 2024 is a fantastic tool for creating professional presentations quickly. Its intuitive interface and AI-driven design suggestions make the process easy, even for beginners. With great customization options and time-saving features, it’s a valuable asset for anyone needing polished slides fast. Highly recommend for effortless, high-quality presentations!
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Rudy Irawan
October 29, 2024
BAB I PENDAHULUAN Dalam bab satu ini, penulis akan menjelaskan tentang beberapa pokok bahasan yaitu, Latar Belakang Masalah, Identifikasi Masalah, Pembatasan Masalah, Rumusan Masalah, Tujuan dan Manfaat Penelitian, Penjelasan Istilah, dan Sistematika Penulisan Latar Belakang Masalah Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Baptis adalah Perguruan Tinggi yang menyelenggarkan Pendidikan Teologi bagi para teolog dan Pendidikan Agama Kristen bagi para guru. Dalam perjalanan waktu, Sekolah Tinggi Teologi sebagai Perguruan Tinggi Kristen menjalin kerjasama dengan Pembimas Kristen Jawa Barat guna melayani anak-anak sekolah yang tidak ada guru agama Kristen di sekolahnya baik SD, SMP maupun SMA, ini tertuang dalam MoU yang telah di tanda tangani. Sebagai sebuah institusi yang dipilih pemerintah, Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Baptis Bandung, juga mempersiapkan pengajar-pengajar yang kompeten di bidangnya, tidak terkecuali Mahasiswa yang telah melalui tahapan untuk dapat mengajar di kelompok belajar tersebut. Dalam perkembangannya, kelompok belajar yang diadakan di Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Baptis Bandung mengalami pertumbuhan yang signifikan secara kuantitas, karena sekolah-sekolah di wilayah Bandung Timur mengirimkan siswanya untuk belajar di kelompok belajar di Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Baptis Bandung. Untuk dapat melayani peserta didik yang sangat tinggi animonya, pimpinan kelompok belajar di Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Baptis Bandung memberlakukan kelas secara luring dan daring agar semua terfasilitasi, atau dengan kata lain kelas di adakan secara bergilir setiap minggunya. Dalam pelaksanaannya ada hal-hal yang terjadi dalam pelaksanaannya, dimana peserta didik melakukan hal yang tidak seharusnya dilakukan dalam pembelajaran. Adapun hal yang di lakukan oleh peserta didik antara lain: Jika kelas online: - Mereka tidak fokus - Sibuk bermain dengan keluarganya yang dirumah - Sambil bermain game Jika kelas on-site: - Sibuk bicara dengan rekannya di kelas - Keluar masuk ruang kelas - Dan hal lainnya yang bisa di simpulkan kalau mereka tidak ada niat untuk belajar, Oleh karena itu, untuk mencapai tujuan dan keberhasilan pendidikan, dibutuhkan suatu cara atau metode. Selain itu, faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi tercapainya pendidikan, adalah pengajar (dosen,guru), peserta didik (siswa) dan lingkungan belajar. Era digital dengan segala kecanggihan teknologinya seolah berdampingan dengan metode pengajaran klasik. Meskipun begitu, Sudarwan Danim menyebutkan bahwa metode tradisional
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Clif Savage
August 4, 2024
I'm warning you right now, if you want to cancel this GOOD LUCK. Their FAQ tells you to go to a new slide, click account and click the cancel link...well there is no cancel link and Paddle and Kino automated response systems are worthless. Good thing I had already changed banks and the card declined, that's the only way I even knew I still had a subscription for this. Now it's wasting my time to just cancel it and be done with them. The product itself is also lackluster. I've brought on a team that does it better and faster.
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maksude meydan
October 5, 2024
Flört şiddeti konusunda, hedef kitlesi 13-20 yaş aralığında olan bir PowerPoint sunumu hazırlamak oldukça önemli ve hassas bir konudur. Gençlerin bu konuda bilinçlendirilmesi, sınırları öğrenmeleri ve sağlıklı ilişkiler kurmaları açısından büyük bir rol oynar. İşte bu sunumun bölümleri için önerilerim: 1. Kapak Sayfası Başlık: Flört Şiddeti Nedir? Alt başlık: "Sağlıklı İlişkiler Kurmak ve Şiddetten Uzak Durmak" Tasarım: Gençlere hitap eden renkli ama sade bir tasarım. 2. Giriş: Flört Şiddeti Nedir? Tanım: Flört şiddeti, romantik ya da yakın ilişkilerde bir tarafın diğerine uyguladığı duygusal, fiziksel, cinsel ya da dijital şiddet olarak tanımlanır. Alt Başlıklar: Flört şiddeti neden önemli? Hangi yaş grupları risk altında? Görsel: Flört şiddeti kavramını anlatan bir grafik veya illüstrasyon. 3. Flört Şiddetinin Türleri Duygusal Şiddet: Aşağılama, manipülasyon, tehdit. Fiziksel Şiddet: Vurma, itme, zarar verme. Cinsel Şiddet: Zorla cinsel ilişki, rıza dışı temas. Dijital Şiddet: Kontrol edici mesajlar, sosyal medya üzerinden baskı. Görsel: Her tür şiddet için kısa açıklamalar ve ikonlar. 4. Belirtiler ve Uyarı İşaretleri Kontrolcü Davranışlar: Sürekli nerede olduğunu sorma, kıskançlık. Kendine Güvenin Azalması: Sürekli kendini kötü hissetme. İzolasyon: Arkadaşlardan ve aileden uzaklaştırma. Görsel: Uyarı işaretleriyle ilgili infografik. 5. Flört Şiddetinin Sonuçları Psikolojik Etkiler: Depresyon, kaygı bozukluğu. Sosyal Etkiler: Arkadaş kaybı, yalnızlaşma. Fiziksel Etkiler: Yaralanma, sağlık sorunları. Görsel: Duygusal ve fiziksel sonuçları simgeleyen grafik. 6. Ne Yapmalısınız? Sınırlar Koyma: Sağlıklı sınırlar belirlemenin önemi. Yardım Almak: Güvenilen bir yetişkine veya uzmana başvurmak. Güçlü Bir Destek Ağı: Arkadaşlar ve aile ile iletişimde olmanın önemi. Görsel: Yardım kanallarını gösteren bir liste (Alo 183, danışmanlık merkezleri). 7. Sağlıklı İlişki Nasıl Olmalı? Saygı ve Anlayış: Karşılıklı saygı, anlayış ve destek. İletişim: Açık ve dürüst iletişim. Güven: İlişkide güvende hissetmenin önemi. Görsel: Sağlıklı ilişkinin temel ilkelerini gösteren şema. 8. Kapanış: Yardım ve Destek Kaynakları Türkiye’deki Kaynaklar: ALO 183, Aile ve Sosyal Politikalar Bakanlığı, Kadın Sığınma Evleri. Görsel: Türkiye’de flört şiddetiyle ilgili yardım hatlarını içeren görsel. 9. Sorular ve Cevaplar Katılımcılardan gelen soruların cevaplanacağı bir bölüm. Görsel: Dinleyici etkileşimini teşvik eden bir görsel. Bu başlıkları kullanarak etkili bir sunum hazırla
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Mita Pota
July 19, 2024
I wasn't sure how helpful this app would be because it seemed too good to be true! The idea that simply providing a topic and some important information about the cohort could create a set of slides sounded incredible. I have been disappointed many times after reading tempting information about various apps. However, this app wasn't a fake. It successfully delivered on its promises! I have started creating slides for my teaching topics so quickly that I can't believe I'm nearly finished with my weekend planning. Wow! I highly recommend this app to all teachers who are passionate about their teaching and supportive of their students' learning. With my planning finished ahead of time, I will have some time to relax and recharge this weekend. Thank you!
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Maya Sample
July 6, 2024
As a Culinary Arts teacher in a high school setting I was skeptical of what the app could do... I must admit, I was truly impressed with the options and the final result. All it needs to be able to do is add images! LOL. I was pretty lenient with instructions and the app still produced very favorable results. I will be utilizing the app to create my ppts for the year!
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Vijayakrishna Rapaka
June 19, 2024
I recently started using and it has significantly improved my productivity. This extension is incredibly useful and efficient, allowing me to complete my tasks in much less time than before. The interface is user-friendly, and it seamlessly integrates with my workflow. simplifies the process of creating high-quality presentations, making it an invaluable tool for anyone who frequently works with slides. It’s intuitive, time-saving, and boosts my overall productivity. Highly recommended for professionals looking to streamline their presentation creation process!
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François Lépine
September 11, 2024
I'm really bad to do presentation but with slideai its like i'm a professinal. Really like the product and the ease to use.
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