SlideSeat transforms Google Slides™ into a dynamic seating chart and classroom group manager. Quickly create, adjust, and save custom seating arrangements for your class!
Дата оновлення:25 лютого 2025 р.
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SlideSeat – Transform Google Slides™ into Dynamic Seating Charts & Group Manager
SlideSeat is a Google Slides™ add-on for educators that simplifies seating chart creation and classroom group management. Whether you want to form balanced groups, avoid pairing conflicts, or randomize individual seat assignments on a slide, SlideSeat has you covered.
Key Features:
• Automatic Chart Creation: Generate seating charts with customizable layouts—rows, circles, or flexible groupings.
• Group Management: Easily create, rearrange, and swap student groups for projects or discussions.
• Individual Seat Randomization: Shuffle seat assignments to mix up seating dynamically.
• Conflict Avoidance: Set bad pairings to prevent conflicts, with smart wildcard management.
• Random Selector: Promote fair participation by randomly selecting and highlighting students.
• Intuitive Editing: Drag-and-drop adjustments and slide duplication let you save and reuse configurations.
How It Works:
Installation: Install SlideSeat from the Google Workspace Marketplace™.
Launch: Open the add-on from the Extensions menu; its icon will appear in the right-hand sidebar for quick access.
Input Data: Enter student names using comma-, space-, or mixed formats.
Customize: Select your seating arrangement, set group sizes or randomize individual seats, and let SlideSeat generate your chart.
Perfect for educators, administrators, and instructional designers, SlideSeat saves time and enhances classroom management while keeping all data secure in your Google Drive.
For questions or feedback, email: megiddo at gmail dot com
Experience SlideSeat – where every seat has its place!
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