Convert your personal slide deck into an animated GIF for use in other presentations, websites, or anywhere. You can customize size and the display timing of your GIF to suit your needs.
정보 업데이트:2024년 4월 24일
호환 기기:
UPDATED 4/24/2024: Completely overhauled, Slide-Slide-GIF creates GIFs of you slide deck with custom sizing and timing.  You can also still save all of your slides to image housed in a Google Folder.

Have you been wanting to export your entire slide deck to a GIF (or save them as a set of images)?  Then use Slide-Slide-GIF to create a custom timed GIF, or get a new folder with an image of each of your slides that you can use anywhere you want.

Version 12- 2/24/2024
Slide-Slide-GIF에서 아래에 표시된 권한을 요청합니다. 자세히 알아보기
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