Google Slides tools and templates for decision making, design, prototyping and productivity. Website:
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Hoạt động với:
13 N+
Tổng quan
- Smarter Decisions
- Faster Prototypes
- Better Proposals

Do more together with one tool everyone can use.
- Make decision making easier for everyone
- Rapidly prototype and test ideas with real users
- Prepare and present better proposals faster gives you a sidebar in Google Slides with tools and templates:
- Shapes (Post-Its, Voting, ArchiMate and more)
- Lines (Simple lines as well as full range of ArchiMate connectors)
- Icons (find just what you need from more than 50,000 freely usable icons)
- Photos (over 1 million freely usable photos for commercial and personal use)
- Videos (choose from nearly 5 billion free YouTube videos)
- Mockups (devices, screens, modules, components and hot spot navigation)
- Templates (a growing range of professional templates to accelerate productivity) also provides options for synchronisation of content across multiple slides and presentations. Read more details below.

Try for free and start using basic features today.

Share with others to unlock basic access to icons, photos and videos.

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**************************************** object synchronisation features enable easy updating and centralised content management of your slides and presentations. 

It also enables traceability of objects in diagrams (e.g. persona > journey map > service blueprint > application > prototype). Great for impact analysis and aligning outcomes and measures of success with outputs of projects.
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