SlidesPro offers a set of tools and libraries to create more professional Google™ Slides. Our Wizards also empowers you to add images, YouTube™ videos, icons, GIFs, stickers, charts and maps.
Fiche mise à jour le :19 octobre 2024
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923 k+
By turbo-charging your Google™ Slides with SlidesPro, you will be able to:
Position and order elements across the slides and amongst themselves
Resize elements easily so that they have the same size
Modify text characteristics, merge or split text boxes easily
Change colours of any element or text with a single click
Insert beautiful and meaningful images and photos
Add all sort of charts such as lines charts, waterfall charts or organizational charts
Add maps of world regions or specific countries with the touch of a button

We currently offer four wizards: Icons, Images, Charts and Maps but many more are under construction at the moment and will be made available to you as soon as ready. For now though, you will be able to create the following:

Search icons within a set of libraries that include Google™'s Material design, change the colour of the icons and insert them into your presentation seamlessly with a single click of a button.

YouTube Videos:
Insert videos from YouTube into presentations with a single click.

Search GIFs from GIPHY easily and insert them with a click.

Search Stickers from GIPHY easily and insert them with a click.

Search the great image and photo library from Unsplash, find beautiful photos and images and insert them directly into your slides.

Bar Chart
Column Chart
Line Chart
Pie Chart
Organizational Chart
Scatter Chart
Waterfall Chart

World and Continents such as Africa, America, Asia, Europe or Oceania
World Regions such as Australia and New Zealand, Central America or Northern Europe
All Countries such as USA, China, Brazil or India

Position & Order
This section of the tools has been designed to give you access to more features to align elements amongst themselves and relative to the overall slide. We have also added shortcuts for you to order elements very easily and also swap objects so that you can easily modify your slides without wasting a minute of your time.

The Size section allows you to resize elements easily relative to other ones. You can for example stretch an element to the down most edge of the Master element or expand the height of an object to the Master. Rather than describing it though, you might wanna have a go and play with it, we believe these features are very useful :)

We have added this section as a way for you to access the standard text features easily since they tend to be highly used. And to complement it, we have two very cool additions: merge and split text boxes. As its name suggests, merge text boxes will merge multiple text boxes into one and split text boxes will… well, you know :)

Theme Colors
In this section, we have created a list of colors for you to change the background, border and font colors of your elements very fast. And the best thing is that now you can also edit them and customise them!

We hope you enjoy SlidesPro and that you find it very useful.

Feel free to reach out should you have any feedback by email at

For any questions or issues, please also email us at
For more information, please visit:
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Consulter, modifier, créer et supprimer toutes vos présentations Google Slides
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