Effortlessly insert slides into multiple student presentations at one time using Slip-in-Slide. Send a single or many slides from your presentation to any assignment folder in Google Drive/Classroom.
Дата оновлення:24 квітня 2024 р.
34 млн+
NEW no PII collected option with District domain level purchases!

Push any number of slides to an entire folder of student presentations making distribution of new materials quick and easy.  Integrates with the folder structure of Google Classroom(TM) to send your slides directly into students existing presentations.  Perfect for a Google Slides(TM) based interactive notebook. This product includes a full-access 60 day trial.

The Single Classroom section is perfect for multiple subject teachers that have a single class and presentations that focus on a one subject.

The Multiple Classroom section is created for single subject teachers that may need to distribute content to many classes.  This area allows teachers to select and store multiple destination assignment folders and to title each folder with a meaningful description (ie. Period 1, Period 4, ...).  Once the folders are added the teacher can select a single class, multiple classes, or all classes to slip the new content.

After OTT-o completes a slip and summary screen is provided which lists all successful slips, skipped slips (due to lack of editing rights), and failed slips.  
Note: the success zone is automatically closed so that the skipped/failed zones are visible.  These two error zones will automatically open if a presentation fails or is skipped.

Note: Installation may require approval by your Admin.  If installation fails, contact your IT department.   

Google Classroom(TM), Google Slides(TM), and Google Drive(TM) are a trademark of Google LLC

(Version 135 - 4/24/2024)
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ЦіниБезкоштовна пробна версія
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Додаток Slip-in-Slide запитає наведені нижче дозволи. Докладніше
Додатку Slip-in-Slide буде потрібен доступ до облікового запису Google
Після цього додаток Slip-in-Slide зможе:
Перегляд, змінення, створення й видалення всіх ваших файлів на Google Диску
Перегляд і завантаження всіх ваших файлів на Google Диску
Перегляд, створення, редагування й видалення всіх ваших Google Презентацій
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