Simplify contact management: Add, edit, delete Domain Shared Contacts™ & personal Contacts™ in Sheets™.
정보 업데이트:2024년 8월 19일
호환 기기:
Streamline your contact management process with this Sheets™ Add-on. Quickly add, edit, and delete both Domain Shared Contacts™ and personal Contacts™ directly from your spreadsheet, either individually or in bulk.
* Objective * 
The add-on ensures that you can create, edit and delete your Domain Shared Contacts™ in the Google Directory or Personal Contacts™. 

 * Domain Shared Contacts *
New to 'Shared external contacts' in the Google™ Directory? See Google Workspace™ admin help page: or for the more techies, you might be interested in the API documentation:

- Effortless management of both Domain Shared and personal Contacts™.
- Intuitive interface for quick and easy data entry and updates.
- Bulk actions for efficient management of large contact lists.
- Seamless integration with your Google Workspace™ environment.

* How it works *
The Google Spreadsheet™ add-on gets a list of Domain shared Contacts™ or Personal Contacts™ into the spreadsheet. From the spreadsheet you can Add, Edit or Delete the contacts. Some example use case; the  spreadsheet with the list can be used to:
- Add, Edit, and Delete Google Domain Shared contacts™ in to your Google Directory or Personal Contacts™ in your Google Contacts™
- View all your Google Domain Shared Contacts™ and Personal Contacts™
- Easily print the Contact data from your spreadsheet
- Use the contact data with mail merge tools

Note: Google Spreadsheet™, Google Sheets™, Google Contacts™, Domain Shared Contacts™, Google Workspace™ are trademarks of Google LLC.
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