The easiest way to send SMS appointment reminders to your customers. Reduce no-shows now!
Informações atualizadas:13 de julho de 2022
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4 mil+
Visão geral
This add-on is designed for businesses. Pricing starts at $9.99/mo with a 14 day free trial. You can install the app for free. However, you need to purchase a license to set reminders. Click to "Read more" for extra information.

SMS Appointment Reminder has been designed to be very easy and simple to use. It's seamlessly integrated with your Google Calendar™. After the initial set-up, setting an appointment reminder is as easy as adding your customer phone number in the calendar event title or in the event description.

Once you've set a reminder you can forget about it. The add-on will automatically send the reminders at the scheduled time, including recurring reminders. Also, it will take care of any reschedule or deleted event, updating the reminders accordingly. 

Don't let your customers disrupt your schedule. Start reducing no-shows now!

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O SMS Appointment Reminder for Google Calendar™ pedirá as permissões abaixo. Saiba mais
O SMS Appointment Reminder for Google Calendar™ precisará de acesso à sua Conta do Google
Isso permite que o SMS Appointment Reminder for Google Calendar™ faça o seguinte:
Executar como um complemento no Agenda
Ver e fazer o download de qualquer agenda que você acessa pelo Google Agenda
Conectar a um serviço externo
Ver o país, idioma e fuso horário
Ver o endereço de e-mail principal da sua Conta do Google
Ver suas informações pessoais, inclusive aquelas que você disponibilizou publicamente
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