Reusable text at your fingertips without copy/paste. Create new text snippets with one click from your document. Share approved text with your team.
호환 기기:
Quickly compose your most common documents with your go-to phrases on hand. Great for maintaining your canned responses, contract clauses, knowledge bank, code snippets, or recurring phrases with ease across all of your Docs!

Your templates and documents are full of recycled phrases or reusable language you rewrite or paste over and over. Snippets Express saves and displays your key text fragments in the Docs sidebar for re-use across documents. 

Key features make this a simple but powerful solution for Google Docs users: 

➤ Display your collection of snippets right next to your Doc, insert them into your text with one click!

➤ Create new snippets with one click without leaving your document

➤ Save richly formatted snippets that look perfect every time

➤ Share snippet text across members of teams

You can learn more about all features and functionality by visiting the Snippets Express help centre:

Release History:

10/27/20 - Rich text formatting is now supported for snippets

Snippets Express is a handy companion for:

Grade Reports; legal documents; Clio; knowledge management; contract management; Gatekeeper; customer support; reporting; Doc Builder; clause management; Doc Variables; simple signature workflow automation; DocuSign; HelloSign; PandaDoc; document automation; DocHub; template management; Practice Panther; Smart References; instructional design and more!
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