Take a sociogram via Google Forms with an extensive and in-depth report. Retrieve student names via Google Classroom if necessary.
Ändrades senast:2 december 2022
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152 tn+
With this tool you can easily create a sociogram in Google Forms. The Add-on guides you through a wizard through creating the questions, adding the options and all kinds of small, handy gadgets, such as importing students from Google Classroom, adding emojis to the student names for early readers and limiting the maximum students to choose per question.

Once all students have submitted the form and thus their preferences, you can proceed to the report. You are presented with a sociomatrix: a clear overview of the relationships in a group visualized by a colorfull table.

You will also receive an in-depth analysis of the mutual relationships in a group:
mutually positive, mutually negative, students without positive connections, students without negative connections, a sorted list of most positive and most negative relationships, an overview of students who have only positive connections among themselves and a smart group builder to divide students into groups , taking into account their stated preferences. Handy for group work or to give children a new place in the classroom.

In addition, as icing on the cake, you get a number of interactive diagrams that immediately and clearly show positive and negative relationships in the classroom

All of this is fully exportable as a PDF file and or as JPG files.
Ytterligare information
Sociogram frågar efter de behörigheter som visas nedan. Läs mer
Sociogram behöver åtkomst till ditt Google-konto
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Visa dina klasser i Google Classroom
Visa klasslistor för dina klasser i Google Classroom
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