IT Asset and Service Management by SolarWinds
SolarWinds IT Service Desk helps you manage support requests submitted by your employees. Use SolarWinds to organize and deliver better IT service to your users. 

Key features of the SolarWinds IT Service Desk: 

- Users can submit incidents via email or the self-service portal, and view the status of their requests. 
- IT teams can view and collaborate on incidents and share workload with other team member. 
- Email notifications upon incident creation, updates, and new comments makes collaboration with service requesters easy. 
- Associate incidents with assets for end-to-end tracking of asset service and repair histories. 
- Capture knowledge and maintain a comprehensive information repository. 
- Deliver an integrated IT Service Catalog to your users - publish lists of available services (such as new laptop request or a password reset request) and let your users order these services through the self-service portal. 
- Customize support flows to optimize key support processes.
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se den primære e-postadressen for Google-kontoen din
se den personlige informasjonen din, inkludert personlig informasjon du har gjort offentlig tilgjengelig
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