Add snippets of relevant content your team found online - stats, quotes, and industry trends & where they came from. With one Click. Capture snippets of Slides to share with others with link back to doc.
Yhteensopiva seuraavien kanssa:
16 t.+
The easiest way to collect, recall and discover snippets of relevant content.  All with one click insert to Slides.  It's like Hot Sauce for your content.

The Problem: We spend over 9 hours every week - on average - searching and gathering information.

The Solution: Sorc'd
We provide an easy way to organize, recall and discover snippets of relevant content. Within our business platform, teams can save small, digestible pieces of information they find interesting to a private cloud-based environment. While as an individual it creates an extremely quick and effective way to save useful information and cite it later, as a team of individual users it creates a repository of invaluable information shared by peers, managers, executives, and subject matter experts. We're breaking down the information silos that inhibit growth.

Sorc'd for Docs provides an easy way to add relevant snippets and source links with one click. Create better content, faster, with Sorc'd.

After creating your Sorc'd account and snipping your research with the chrome extension.  You can now filter, view, and insert relevant snippets and source links with out ever leaving the doc you are creating.  You can even snip from the document pushing content out to Sorc'd for the rest of the team to share in your great knowledge.   Anyone with access to the google slides project will also have a direct link to the source doc.
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Sorc'd for Slides pyytää sinulta alla mainittuja lupia. Lue lisää
Sorc'd for Slides tarvitsee pääsyn Google-tilillesi
Tällä luvalla Sorc'd for Slides voi tehdä seuraavaa:
nähdä kaikki Google Slides ‑esityksesi sekä muokata ja poistaa niitä
Näytä ja julkaise kolmannen osapuolen internetsisältöä Google-sovellusten kehotteissa ja sivupalkeissa.
nähdä Google-tilisi ensisijaisen sähköpostiosoitteen
nähdä henkilökohtaiset tietosi sekä kaikki sellaiset tiedot, jotka olet määrittänyt julkisiksi
Google ei todenna arvosteluja tai arvioita. Lue lisää arvosteluista
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