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Spanning Backup for G Suite™ backs up Gmail™, GDrive™, Team Drive™, Calendars, Contacts and Sites to the cloud so if your users' data is deleted or corrupted you can restore it immediately.
Ändrades senast:30 juli 2024
5 mn+
With powerful, enterprise-grade backup and recovery capabilities, Spanning Backup protects your organization’s G Suite™ data from costly and catastrophic data loss -- allowing users to get data back the way it was, quickly and easily. All of your domain’s Gmail™, GDrive™ (including Team Drives™), Calendar, Contacts and Sites data will be automatically and securely backed up, daily and on-demand, to a private and secure sector of the AWS cloud, utilizing their industry-leading object-level 256-bit AES encryption. Optional Dark Web Monitoring alerts G Suite administrators when their employee's emails and passwords have been compromised enabling them to take proactive steps to secure accounts at risk.

Spanning's G Suite™ backup is the top-rated backup and restore solution on the G Suite™ Marketplace. Here’s why:

•	Automated daily & on-demand backups of all your G Suite™ data.
•	Spanning is incredibly easy to use and intuitive; end-users can quickly find and restore their own data in a few clicks without calling IT.
•	Fine-tuned and accurate. Restore a file or folder from a point-in-time snapshot, or an entire account with your file structure intact.
•	Secure. Our world-class security includes:
        ∘	 SSAE 16 SOC 2 Type II certification 
        ∘	 TRUSTe privacy and security seals
        ∘	 Certified under the US-EU Privacy Shield
        ∘	 256-bit AES encryption with unique keys for each object
        ∘	 SSL encryption for data in transit
•	Unlimited Storage and Retention. No matter how much data your organization generates, you're covered.

Check out Spanning Backup for G Suite's™ demo video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_xO7SetCYWE
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Visa, redigera, skapa och radera alla dina filer på Google Drive
Läs, skriv, skicka och radera all e-post från Gmail
Visa, redigera, dela och radera alla kalendrar du har åtkomst till via Google Kalender
Visa, redigera, ladda ned och radera dina kontakter
Visa, redigera, ladda ned och radera dina kontakter
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