Use deployed Scale Spellbook models on Google Sheets™
Дата оновлення:5 травня 2023 р.
14 тис.+
Spellbook (  is Scale’s platform for large language model (LLM) apps. We believe the future of data science and ML is people building lightweight applications on top of large language models. 

Spellbook is designed to work with Scale’s own LLMs and all other LLMs, including models provided from OpenAI, as well as open source models. A key point in working with Scale, is that we’re flexible on the source of the LLM, so you can use it in conjunction with other LLM providers to speed up your app deployment. 

Users can use Spellbook to create LLM apps for a variety of use cases, spanning classification, text extraction, generation, summarization, and autocompletion. Quickly compare and iterate on your experiments through Spellbook’s comparison and evaluation functionalities. 

Users can deploy the model in one click on Spellbook and directly use the deployment URI in our Google Sheets™ integration, without writing a single line of code!

This addon introduces a custom function =SPELLBOOK() that allows users to evaluate models created by Spellbook within the Google Sheets™.

Here are some good use cases of LLM:
- Categorization
- Text generation
- Parse unstructured data
- Grammar correction
- Translation
- Summarization
- Autocompletion

You can simply pass the input as the parameter to the custom function along with the model deployment uri, you will get the model output right in the Google Sheets™.
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