SPOGOU lets delegated admins Set easy-to-use Passwords Of Groups Of Users
Adatlap frissítve:2021. augusztus 12.
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SPOGOU lets delegated admins Set easy-to-use Passwords Of Groups Of Users, all in the comfort of a Google Sheet and a couple of clicks.

USAGE: To use SPOGOU you need to have your user/students in groups, as SPOGOU pulls the users you wish to change passwords on from a group.

Also, you need to have proper delegated admin access, to be able to run SPOGOU's three steps. If you don't, SPOGOU will fail.

In the Add-ons menu you will find SPOGOU and run Start, which will create the necessary sheets for your process and also show sidebars with instructions on how to proceed.

Only the first step, Start, can be run with a user without delegated admin access. The following steps require delegated admin access.

Prepare Passwords - require the following scopes

https://www.googleapis.com/auth/admin.directory.user.readonly (but this scope isn't used, as you need to write to users in the next step)

Set Passwords - this, of course, requires a scope where you can edit the user. 

So, before any user can actually use SPOGOU, the admin must assign the user those admin privileges. I recommend creating two separate custom admin roles, as the group privilege can't be limited to an OU, which the user privilege can.

This means that a delegated admin can be restricted to only set passwords on users of a specific OU, for example students at their school.
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A(z) SPOGOU az alább látható engedélyeket fogja kérni. További információ
A(z) SPOGOU alkalmazásnak hozzá kell férnie az Ön Google-fiókjához
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Megtekintheti és kezelheti azokat a táblázatokat, amelyekben ez az alkalmazás telepítve van
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