Live odds for football, basketball, tennis and loads more, from bookmakers around the world.
Listelemenin güncellendiği tarih:26 Kasım 2023
Şununla çalışır:
15 B+
Genel Bakış
Update: For more features and markets, the latest version can be found at

Live sports odds data for football, basketball, soccer and more.

Odds data is for upcoming and live sports games, and updates frequently.
An API key is needed to access odds data, which can be obtained at

Access near real-time sports odds from several bookmakers in the US, UK, EU and AU. The full list of bookmakers can be found at

Sports odds data is available for the following (depending on season):
 - Football Odds: NFL, NCAA, XFL, AFL
 - Basketball Odds: NBA, NCAA, Euroleague
 - Soccer Odds: English Premier League (EPL), EFL Championship, FA Cup, Serie A (Italy), Ligue 1 (France), La Liga (Spain), Primeira Liga (Portugal), UEFA Europa, UEFA Championship, and much more
 - Tennis Odds: 4 grand slams competitions
 - And more

The full list of sports can be found at

Markets include money lines (head to head), point spreads and totals. For more markets, see the latest add-on at

We continually make improvements and welcome any feedback. If there are sports, bookmakers or markets you want to see, let us know at
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