The mini spreadsheet app that allows you to edit the table data and perform calculations on sets with formulas.
Ändrades senast:11 april 2022
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1 mn+
The Spreadsheet Calculator allows you to edit the table data and perform calculations on sets with formulas.
The 109 formula functions that the June 2007 Open Document Format "Open Formula" specification calls the "small group" are available.

You can use the arrow keys and mouse to select cells in a manner similar to traditional spreadsheets. This includes using the shift key, as well as dragging. 
The program supports many forms of data, such as numbers, text, dates (e.g., "1/2/3"), dollars ("$1,234.50"), time ("3:45"), numbers with fractions ("1 1/2"), and "true", "false".
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Spreadsheet Calculator App behöver åtkomst till ditt Google-konto
Detta ger Spreadsheet Calculator App behörighet att:
Se, skapa och ändra egen konfigurationsdata på din Google Drive
Se, redigera, skapa och radera enbart de filer på Google Drive som du använder i appen
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