Sign documents digitally, 100% GDPR-compliant and guaranteed legally binding
Дата оновлення:4 березня 2025 р.
5 тис.+
Sign documents digitally.

Digitize your signature workflows with Europe’s most trusted digital signature.

No login and no credit card required ✅ 100% legally-binding ✅ 100% GDPR-compliant.

Create and collect digital signatures right out of your Google Workspace. Generate new documents in Docs or use existing documents from your Drive, add one or more recipients and collect legally-binding digital signatures. The sproof sign add-on integrates seamlessly into your Google Workspace and makes digital signing as easy as it can be.

sproof sign is free for personal use.

What sproof sign can do for you:
- Sign documents yourself
- Collect legally-binding digital signatures via email
- Free and easy to use, no login and no credit card required
- sproof sign is 100% GDPR-compliant and hosted in the EU
- Create and sign documents from your Docs or Drive

Watch this video to see it in action:

How to install the add-on:
- Click install and grant permission to begin the installation of the add-on
- Select a document from your drive and click the sproof sign icon in the sidebar
- Optionally add one or more recipients to collect signatures via their email address
- Open the document in the sproof sign web application and sign it yourself if needed

sproof sign is free for personal use. Upgrade to a business plan to unlock all premium features:
- Get your own qualified digital signatures that is legally equivalent to handwritten signatures by law
- Unlimited storage of documents
- Unlimited contacts
- Batch signing
- Custom branding

Find all premium features here:

We care about your privacy
sproof sign is 100% GDPR-compliant, hosted in the EU and awarded for use in public administration. In this add-on, we only gather the specifically selected document for the purpose of signing or collecting signatures. We do not read or access any other data from your Drive. We do not modify the original document and automatically delete the temporary copy we have made while processing your signature.

Privacy policy:
General Terms and Conditions:

Questions and Feedback
Contact sproof for questions and feedback via
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