Standup Alice is a bot that runs your asynchronous stand-up meetings. Results can be delivered to your Google Chat™ rooms.
Pozycja zaktualizowana:31 grudnia 2022
Współpracuje z:
11 tys.+
Standup Alice is a bot that runs your asynchronous stand-up meetings. Results can be delivered to your Google Chat™ rooms or emails. 

● Scrum Master - organise daily standup Remind team members to post their stand-up and collect stand-up from team members 

● Customises daily standup question set - Select the best question set that suitable for your team context 

● Deliver stand-up report to team members and management - Stand-up report can deliver to channels or emails 

● Multiple projects/multiple teams - Supports for employees who work on multiple projects in different teams. 

● Multiple timezones - Reminds and collects stand-up on participant timezones. 

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Aplikacja Standup Alice będzie potrzebowała dostępu do Twojego konta Google
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