Host your own STAR Voting elections on Google Forms. Score candidates from 0-5 stars and get solid representative results. No spoilers, no wasted votes. Better voting for a better world.
Đã cập nhật trang thông tin:31 tháng 1, 2022
Hoạt động với:
43 N+
Tổng quan
Host your own STAR Voting elections on Google Forms with the StarVote Add-On. Secure, user friendly, accurate.
STAR Voting stands for Score Then Automatic Runoff and that's exactly how it works:
Scoring Round: Voters score candidates from 0-5 stars. The two highest scoring candidates overall are finalists.
Automatic Runoff: Your vote goes to the finalist you preferred. The finalist preferred by more voters wins.
STAR Voting delivers world class results for better, more representative elections. No spoilers, no wasted votes, safe to vote your conscience.
Whether your election has 2 candidates or 20, whether your election is single-winner, multi-winner, or even proportional representation, STAR Voting is the way to go.
Better voting for a better world.
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