Pulls item data, prices, inventory count, reports, and more from Amazon Listings and your storefront, importing to Google Sheets.
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StarBottle is a suite of tools for Google Sheets that retrieves information from Amazon listings and your storefront, allowing you to easily grab prices, inventory quantities, reports, and more.

We use the Amazon Marketplace Web Service (“Amazon MWS”) which allows us to aggregate, process, and serve information in order to provide you with up to date information from products on Amazon, including your own! We will always return the most relevant product information based on the best ranking for each item.

The purpose and goal of StarBottle is to save you time and effort. If you’re using Google Sheets to manage your inventory or keep track of prices and listings, you probably have access to an entire list of ASINs or UPCs which can simply be selected before running StarBottle to return almost any information you could need from a listing, including title, ASIN, category, rank, weight, size, and prices, just to name a few. This is a step up from the days of old where the only way to get information was by looking up individual listings and copying everything down into Google Sheets, in the snow, uphill, both ways.

Main Features:
-Amazon ID Lookups: Returns specified attributes from listings using item identifiers. See below for a full list of returnable attributes.
-FBA Inventory Quantity Checks: Using your unique Seller SKUs it’s possible to quickly check your stocks for their total, current, and inbound supplies.
-Request Reports: Have reports from your Amazon Seller Account directly imported into Google Sheets.

Supported Marketplaces:
- USA (Amazon.com)
- Mexico (Amazon.com.mx)
- Canada (Amazon.ca)

Supported Item Identifiers for Lookups:
Seller SKU

Returnable Attributes:
-Prices (Lowest Merchant New, Lowest FBA New)
-Category Rank
-Part Number
-Dimensions (Length, Width, Height)
-Variations (Color, Style, Size)

Requestable Reports:
Inventory/Listing Reports
Order Reports
Order Tracking Reports
Seller Feedback Reports
Returns Reports
FBA Sales Reports
FBA Inventory Reports
FBA Payments Reports
FBA Customer Returns/Replacements
FBA Removals Reports

Free Trial Available:
Search up to 5 items, 20 times a day! If you’re just starting out as an Amazon Seller, we hope this will save you a bit of time and helps you get off the ground. For experienced Amazon Sellers, we hope it’ll give you a chance to see how useful StarBottle can be for you!

Do you have any questions, feedback, or concerns? Maybe you’d like to request a feature? Please feel free to contact us at contact@varxsoft.com

-Using Google Sheets you can look up price, rank, and more information from Amazon product listings using UPCs, ASINs, and other item identifiers. 
-Using your own seller SKUs you can keep track of inventory quantities and inbound supplies. 
-Request data from numerous types Amazon reports and have them directly imported to Google Sheets.
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