R, Python, and LaTeX inside Google Docs: living documents for reproducible research.
정보 업데이트:2022년 5월 10일
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Stencila is an open source platform enabling research teams, and individuals, to follow modern scientific best-practices for reproducibility. Allowing people of all technical levels to focus on data analysis and on authoring manuscripts, instead of software engineering.

Stencila can also be used to publish personal research articles as executable documents.

# Stencila for Google Docs overview

🤖 Supported Languages:
- Python
- R
- JavaScript/Node
- Bash
- LaTeX

🎉 Feature Highlights:
- Reproducible figures and tables, generated from code, embedded inside Google Docs
- Collaborate on content and code within Google Docs
- Write code, fix errors, preview outputs, then embed them in Google Docs
- Local code execution allows you to perform data analysis without uploading sensitive datasets
- Through Stencila Hub you can:
    - Publish executable, semantic, and machine readable documents with multiple themes
    - Import from, and export to, multiple formats, including Jupyter Notebooks and R Markdown
- All our projects are open source and can be found at https://github.com/stencila


Stencila for Google Docs requires a Stencila account as well as access to certain permissions for your Google account.
By installing the Add-on you will be able to open Stencila Hub projects inside Google Docs sidebar, connect to a code execution container, and insert the generated figures and tables into the document.
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